December 1st, 2007 10:31 AM by Tammy Vaughn
You may wonder what Real Estate in Southwest Florida has to do with Doggie Biscuits. Well, you are right, not a whole lot. But, these homemade Gourmet Doggie Biscuits represent the spirit and creativeness of Individuals within the Port Charlotte and Punta Gorda community. When the going gets tough, our community gets tougher!
I purchased a few half pound bags of Homemade Gourmet Doggie Biscuits from a long time friend, and am floored by the response of my two year old Jack Russell Terrier. She is still sitting infront of the pantry door, wanting more, after 20 minutes of trying her first one. The flyer is below if you are interested. To purchase real estate Click Here. To learn more about the best waterfront community in Florida, Simply Click Here. As a native Floridian, I guarantee, you will not be disappointed!